
Point of View





The home is somehow like the envelope of clothes.
You wrap its skin around you.”

Jeremiah Eck, Architect


Deep within us we have a primal longing to find home.

To help meet this need, I bring a design sensibility and an eye for beauty woven with my training in psychology. I bring, too, sensitivities to ambience and energy that help both houses and the people living in them, feel better.

My commitment to honor and integrate body, mind, spirit and environment brought me to a deep study, and ultimately a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology. I understand how we long to express our true natures, our whole selves where we live. Inherently, we seek some place like home that is aesthetically, psychologically and spiritually fulfilling.

I’ve accumulated a bounty of processes to deeply engage your inner wisdom and inherent creative source. My experiences creating soul-nurturing residential interiors in Silicon Valley, the Monterey Bay and Lake Tahoe resonate with the hearts and the minds of the people living in these homes.

We desire dwellings that have character, mirror our personalities, are profoundly livable and are based on our behavior. We seek a home that is uniquely ours, a home that is a complete expression of ourselves … who we truly are and what we want to become.

And, I know how to help create this expression in your home. I bring a fresh approach that translates your inner knowing into your outer environment.

Copyright © 2016  Diane Schwedner.  All rights reserved.