
Point of View




Point of View

“There is no doubt in my mind that we all, to some degree, display in the physical environment messages from the unconscious about who we are, who we were, and who we might become.”

Clare Cooper Marcus, Professor of Architecture & Landscape Architecture,
UC Berkeley

Taking the daunting out of decorating or redecorating …

… an innovative way to transform or fine-tune your living space into a home you truly will love. Personalize and rejuvenate your home with fresh new possibilities. Perhaps we refine, rearrange, reposition, repurpose what is already there.

My collaborative approach embraces emotional, spiritual and aesthetic principles. I will guide you inward, tapping your own rich reservoir, to create a home that expresses who you genuinely are. I have developed an original method to help you create your space—this time with feeling, soul and beauty.

Your home will feel like home and meet your practical and budgetary needs as well.

Our sense of self and our sense of home are intimately connected and evolve through our lives. We have a personal need for self-expression in our surroundings. As we redefine and renew our environment we reveal parts of ourselves that seek expression.

Your intuitive knowing and distinctiveness will be translated into outer expression. Let's co-create a home that speaks to your longing for deep nourishment and your aesthetic desires …

Satisfaction Stories

I didn't know that a home is a living thing. The chair, the floor the wallpaper, they are all alive. They vibrate energy and I vibrate it back. After a session with Diane Schwedner, I was surprisingly moved. She led me, ever so mindfully, with a method that entailed guided meditation, time for reflection on paper with colored pens and pencils and a chance to talk to my home and have the home talk to me. 

The biggest “take away" for me with her process were two questions that led me to be more at home in my home: "What do I need from this house?" "What does this house need from me?" From these two inquires, I was able to articulate some very deep and important feelings I had for my surroundings. I also got to hear what my surroundings thought of me. Now, I can walk around my home and love all the little things that I used to be annoyed with. It's like I have more acceptance of myself and my living environment.

If my house could talk in English it would say: "I am in gratitude for your gentle care, appreciation, patience, reassurance, intelligent decisions, trust, and the many visitors that give me love and praise. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!”

KB, life coach & public speaking facilitator, Menlo Park, CA

Months ago Diane Schwedner of Bespoke Interiors arrived at my doorstep with a quality of respect and reverence for me and my relationship with my home that immediately put me at ease. She invited me on a journey inward and into a dialogue with my surroundings that opened doorways to insight, gratitude and possibilities I never imagined.

For me, not a single external thing has changed, but after years of internal struggle, at last I am at home! I found support and meaning in the immediacy of this structure, its objects and windows into the outside world. This is an incredible and priceless gift, one I wish for everyone. I'm confident that in consultation with Diane you will take steps toward the home of your dreams. You may even discover you’re already there!

CE, psychologist, Capitola, CA

Now I love to walk into my great room! Previously it was a walk of shame, a room of distress and discomfort. Now I love hanging out there, relaxing and enjoying myself. Diane and I rearranged and repositioned and repurposed—using what was already there in new and different ways. I’m so excited with what we created! During our free-spirited session, Diane allowed my creativity to “speak.” My husband and kids, too, are happy with the new look and feeling of our inviting great room. Our 14 year-old son asks if Diane’s work is about helping people love their homes without spending money.

BM, esthetician & salon owner, Santa Cruz, CA

Having Diane help me “fall more deeply in love" with my home was liberating! I realized that it wasn’t so important how the house and the furnishings looked or where they were placed—it was how I wanted to feel there. It was about time and space and serenity. 

With some seemingly effortless ideas and touches, Diane helped bring that feeling to fruition.

JL, editor, Aptos, CA

Diane’s approach really works! And her useful point-of-view continues to work as time goes on. Since our session several seasons ago, it is becoming more and more comforting in our living room. Now the room is coming alive with new energies. I sit in chairs I ignored before, and our guests do, too.

Collaborating with Diane woke something up in me … tapped into something. I continue to look at and to listen to my home and to my belongings in new ways. Unexpectedly, things pop up.

At first, in anticipation of Diane’s visit, I was skeptical about changing anything in my home. However, once she began “her process” of helping me be in relationship and in conversation with my home, I became open to ideas of change. I am very comfortable with the changes we created. I gained a new appreciation of sharing ideas of home design with a professional interiors consultant. I would certainly recommend Diane’s approach to others. It was productive and satisfying.

JS, psychologist, Portola Valley, CA

Diane books a Bespoke Interiors session with me at our home. I have always been captured by her personal style so I’m intrigued with the possibilities. It is nothing like a traditional home decorating approach to design. She brings over several items to "play with" which help to guide me towards my strengths and interests. She is full of wonderful quotes and excerpts from artists which are pertinent to our work. She engages me in exercises to "draw out" my essence and observe and massage it. She illuminates the way I see my home. She brings life to the furniture itself.

By the end of our session I am feeling more deeply appreciative and emotionally attached to several pieces in my home. She helps me to feel the vitality these items bring to my "living" space. It is a most refreshing and unique approach to deepening my sense of space. Diane has a sense of interiors unlike anything I have ever experienced. Our session is a revelation of appreciation for my surroundings. 

CN, essential oil therapist & reflexologist, Santa Cruz, CA

My session with Diane was worthwhile and fun, comfortable, creative and inspiring. It helped me like my home more. And now I feel like my home is more me. My home has received so many compliments since Diane and I worked together. 

SR, educator, Scotts Valley, CA

Possibility ... a change of heart and mind ... a new way of seeing and being in my space. These, and so much more, are results of my session with Diane.  As we were unable to actually be in my home, we began with my giving a descriptive tour that in itself told me so much more about my emotional and psychological relationship with my space than I'd ever imagined.

As our session progressed, I became aware that there was more that I truly appreciated about my home than what I thought was wrong.  I'd become stuck in negativity, focusing on each individual piece of the puzzle I didn't like -- but didn't know how to 'fix.'  Diane provided a simple, yet thorough technique that brought my spirit into my space, enhancing both.  Her guidance throughout this process was consistently attentive, freeing and inspirational.  And we had fun!  

Since returning home, I'm enjoying my home as it is now.  But mostly I'm excited about the joy of creating what it can be.  Ahhh, possibilities!

SH, executive administrator, Los Angeles, CA

Diane helped me to really connect with my space (home) in a way that I have never done before. Through her approach, Diane guided me to engage with each room in my home. I learned more about my space and what it needed to make me feel more comfortable, relaxed and at peace at home. I discovered too, how to bring more joy into my home!

DW, marketing consultant, Aptos, CA

Diane is the genuine article. Her great gift was to hear, reflect and translate what I said and how I felt about my home environment.  She helped me transform my rooms into spaces that became what I wished for, that function better, and lift my spirits. I unequivocally recommend Diane’s work. 

CV, medical editor, Sarasota, FL

Diane’s approach to home interiors is the most unique and multidimensional I’ve ever experienced. I was intrigued with her emphasis on reflecting my inner knowing into my physical home environment. She guided me through a fascinating process of tapping into my heart’s desires for my home. We then worked together to translate the results into a design, honoring my feelings every step of the way, weaving her intuitive, creative and practical design expertise throughout the process.

My experience with Diane allowed me to break through an old paradigm – feeling stuck with certain design elements – into new ways to see my home – ways that honor and reflect my authentic self. I’m grateful I discovered Diane and Bespoke Interiors. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to change their living space into one they wholeheartedly love.

SL, accounting professional, Capitola, CA

In a short period of time, Diane guided us through a creative conversation that allowed us to uncover what “home” truly means to us, as individuals and as a couple.  She helped us get clear on how we wanted to feel in a room and then helped us translate that into a unique, bespoke vision. We highly recommend Diane & Bespoke Interiors to couples who wish to transform their living spaces together and have fun throughout the entire process!!

GP, software engineer & AF, facilitator, Santa Cruz, CA

Before meeting with Diane, I didn’t fully realize how much some changes could support my changing life. Her facilitating and suggestions on what I could do to love my home more started me on a relatively painless path of change. My goal is to have beautiful surroundings that reflect my spirit. A home that is comfortable for myself and others. I’m well on my way to accomplishing this with Diane’s help and spurring suggestions.

Without judgement, Diane walked me through my home to help me “get at” what all I really want from it. A wonderful, well worth it experience that I highly recommend.

CH, educator, Santa Cruz, CA

When we first heard of Diane’s work, we were intrigued. On occasion, when visiting friends, we noted their homes resonated with their souls. The collective essence of the rooms, furniture and accents seemed extensions of themselves. The experience of their home warmly illuminated and affirmed their interests, satisfactions and delights. We wanted some of that. With Diane’s guidance, we deepened our awareness and sensitivity to dimensions that have emotional meaning for us. Our time with Diane was fulfilling, productive and enjoyable.

DP, human resources manager & DP, social worker, Santa Cruz, CA

I smile when I remember the day Diane came over...because I feel so grateful to her and Bespoke Interiors. Diane led me on a journey into my heart's desires for my home. During her process, I got to draw images that wanted to be brought to life.  And now, my 1925 kitchen showcases an old-fashioned bookshelf pantry...full of colorful jars of jams, nuts, grains, coffee (and my fancy salts).  Ahh, such happiness!  

Diane's method also helped me use existing pieces in new ways and make peace with a dresser (my treasured but departed Grandmother's).  I highly recommend Diane and her wisdom!

MF, land use planner, Santa Cruz, CA

After my session with Diane, I’m feeling more like it’s really becoming more my home now. Although I haven’t done any major shifts in my home, the intention I set with Diane, to bring happiness into my home is happening! My meeting with Diane opened up new doors and made me feel more empowered in my home and in my life.

TM, solar designer, Los Gatos, CA 

Over the years, I have read many books on Interior Decor, Feng Shui and making your home your scared space. But until I met Diane, I never really understood that my home is a living and breathing extension of myself! Her creative approach is very unique and she guides you gently so that you can begin to really get in touch with the philosophy and psychology of creating your own sacred space. The concept of each room speaking to me was a new concept to me! 

And in the end, the creative changes to my home wind up being MY inspirations, not the tips of someone else. Thank you Diane! 

KP, animal activist, Rio del Mar, CA

Diane's version of creating home interiors takes you on a journey to discover what's wanting to emerge....from deep within your personal interior to a more comfortable, complete exterior space.  She has a unique design discovery process that aims to harmonize your heart's desire to the design of a more unique, expressive home. With so much time spent at home, why not explore how we can "feel more"....at home?  

Diane is the perfect guide for this journey. She has re-imagined the interior design process to offer a creative, innovative approach that invites each of us to awaken to our own creativity and settle-in to enjoy the true comforts of home. 

SR, financial services, Santa Cruz, CA

Diane has a deep understanding of the power of image, and helped me see how the images in my home – precious objects, furniture, spaces – reveal and call out to my heart and soul.

In my session with Diane, I gained a warm, joyous appreciation of my home, seeing all the beauty and creativity already there. With that as a foundation, together we created a vision for the future, to bring me even closer into harmony with my home, so that it deeply reflects my inner world and my desire for connection with others. My appreciation for a sense of space deepened. I was also amazed at how easy and inexpensive some of the changes could be – it didn’t have to be an overwhelming reworking of my entire home, but an embellishment on what I had already created, like learning to play a piece of music so that the soul of the music can be communicated more deeply.

Diane's ideas for turning my spare room into a guest room made me realize I could transform that small space into a cozy, inviting place for guests, without much cost or effort. Her ideas arose so organically out of the moment and her understanding of me, that it seemed as if the suggestions came out of my own being, or perhaps even from the home itself.

 I felt transformed after my time with Diane, able to feel fully the joy and inspiration that had been there in my home all along.

JF, psychologist, Redwood City, CA

Diane came to my home one morning to help me problem solve a couple of issues in my home. The first was fairly easy – I had made changes I really liked, and just wasn't sure if the room was complete. The other room was much more of a challenge. Despite the fact that 7 years (um - maybe 11 years) had elapsed since we had remodeled, I wasn't able to pull together a satisfying feeling in the room. The rugs and furniture were all there; I just couldn't figure a way to make a comfortable space.

Luckily, we began with the easy fix. It was an adventure! Diane carefully honed and crafted our session to gently uncover anything standing in the way of creating what I wanted in my home. She listened, then lead me through exercises to open and let me listen to myself. The first room introduced me to the process, and gave me courage.

By the time we arrived in the more challenging room, I was open and ready to see what would evolve.

My block to the room's completion opened itself to me as if a light had been turned on. A hurt had wired itself into my experience of this room. The work Diane and I did together allowed me to understand the problem, and discover where I have power to change things. The room quickly fell together – a grouping of chairs and couch, a minor modification of the location of the piano, and the room is now a place for connection, communication, and comfort. No new furniture was needed. I am beginning to see how the inclusion of a painting may actually create a shrine and open further healing of relationship. I know just the spot for it! I am so very pleased.

We could all go to an interior designer who could make our homes a beautiful cookie cutter of the current trend or fashion... but this is what I want: my own eclectic, beautiful space that reflects my uniqueness, my history, and my dreams.

Thank you Diane, your work with me was a true gift.

SF, physical therapist, San Jose, CA

What a really eye-opening, insightful new perspective I gained in relationship to my home. In my session with Diane, I experienced my house as more than space I’m simply occupying. It was an opportunity for me to look at how my home supports me. My home has the capacity to give back to me. And we can work together as one to create a space that gives me this wonderful place that we call home. 

This was an opportunity for me to look at my home as not just an object. And to see it as not just a static fixed structure that is only here to be a house. It is so much more than a house! It lives and breaths as we do. Houses have feelings, too, and they certainly will let you know that. My working with Diane allowed me to see that and to slow down enough to just listen to what the space had to tell me and how we can better relate to one another.

CC, actor & mother, Santa Cruz, CA

Albeit, from Diane's husband: Finally, after 3 years, I was willing to work with Diane to redesign my office. I thought I would hate it, because we changed it. But I love it! I can hardly leave my office at the end of the day. And, sometimes I can hardly leave my office, at the end of the night—it is such a gratifying space.

My new office gives me a change of heart about my office; it removes the tension. We created great comfort, where there was discomfort and dis-ease. Now that my work place is less tense, my productivity has improved. We shaped a creative, easeful space that allows me to work with intense technical documents and academic research papers. Now, a nurturing thinking environment surrounds me.

FS, ceo technology startup, Santa Cruz, CA

Copyright © 2016  Diane Schwedner.  All rights reserved.